Read How to Safely Pop a Pimple additional

How to Safely Pop a Pimple


Most people would agree if I say that it will ruin your whole day when waking up in the morning and finding you have a pimple, especially the one on your face. Especially those that are on your lip, pimples on your lip can't be hidden by any means you have whether it's by cosmetics or beauty powder, you have to really remove them. So people mostly will find a way to get rid of them right away.

Before we get started, you have to know that popping a pimple is not recommended to do. It is recommended to let them be and clean your skin routinely. But if you insist to removing them by popping, you have to make sure to do it right and safe.

First, you need to clean your skin thoroughly, use a wet and warm facecloth to do it. Do it for around 10 minutes. Then you can pat your hands and face with a soft and clean towel, remember not to rub your face, since that would only make the infection spread.

Finished cleaning? Now use a clean, dry tissue to cover your fingers. Apply a gentle and even pressure to the side of the pimple with your fingers covered with tissue. Make sure to press downward first then press upwards. If this steps does not work when you do it once or twice, you have to leave it the pimple, since it is not ready to be popped. But if it is work, and the oil and head does pop out, immediately remove them with another clean tissue to avoid bacteria spreading.

Then you could use your trusted acne or pimple treatment to get the best result. If you want to get more tips on pimple on lip, you can get them at my blog.

My name is Andrian Prihatono, a Consultant who also write about pimple and acne at his blog.