Study Proven Tips to Get Rid of Pimple Marks far more

Pimple marks result because of the bacterium that resides in your face. If you land up trying to remove any of the pimples directly with your hand, it would result in the bacterium spreading and causing more pimples. So never try to pop the pimples.

There are a few ways to get rid of the pimples forever. Keep your face clean by washing it well with a cleanser at least twice a day. Never use hot water to wash your face. It will worsen the pimples. Use cold water or lukewarm water. Using rose water will also help to lessen the pimples gradually.

If you use makeup, it is advisable to wash it off completely at the end of the day. Makeups have chemicals in them and if it is left in your skin for long, it can lead to pimples. Also, avoid using any oil based makeup. Oil can clog the pores in your face and can result in puffiness, spots and pimples. Get a good amount of sleep every day. It will help to reduce stress which again can cause pimples. Applying some toothpaste to the affected areas is another good remedy to removes the pimples. Make sure you have a healthy diet. Avoid all junk food and eat lot of fresh fruit.

There are a number of homemade cures for getting rid of the pimple marks. Homemade cures are extremely effective and at the same time do not cost you a lot. Since there are no chemicals added, the effect is long-lasting. Lemon juice is the best known home remedy for treating pimples. Squeeze in 2 tea spoon of lemon and mix it with equal amount of rose water. Gently apply it in your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Use this lemon-rose water mixture twice a day regularly for 2 weeks. You will be able to see significant improvement just in a couple of days. Another effective way to remove pimples is using raw papaya. Make a paste of the raw papaya fruit and apply it on your face and leave it on for half an hour. It makes your skin soft and reduces the pimples gradually. Tea tree oil is also another option which is commonly used by many dermatologists worldwide.

If you plan to buy a pimple cream from market, make sure you buy the cream that suits your skin type. Some creams work well on normal skin and some work well on oily skin or dry skin. It is also a good idea to consult a dermatologist to get recommendation on the right cream to use for your skin type.

You need to be patient to get rid of the pimples. It can be a painful wait since it takes the pimples some time to fade away. There is no cure that will make the pimples vanish overnight. It will generally take anywhere from 2 days to a week for the pimples to lessen and eventually fade away completely. Try out these methods and you will soon have a spotless skin!

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Proven Tips to Get Rid of Pimple Marks