Study Real Deal on Treating a Pimple a lot more


Let's get straight to the point- pimples. The problem is either external and can be fixed with dedication and time, or it can be internal as in bacteria or genetics. The latter is where pills and doctors come in. But today is about the external category.

The very first lesson is to keep your skin BALANCED. So many people try to scrub their faces clean and are left with squeaky clean skin and squeaky DRY skin. See, your skin has a natural protective response to release sebum (oil) to defend itself. The oil keeps water in (think about how heat evaporates rain water) and it helps keep bacteria out. When you take all of your oil off and do not replace it with a light water-based moisturizer, your skin freaks out and over-produces much more oil than what you should have started with. Point- cleanse with a product containing the famous acne fighter, salicylic acid, and then MOISTURIZE with something designed for oily skin (which would be water-based).

Number two: popping pimples. If you feel like you MUST pop a pimple (and this means POP not PICK), do yourself a huge favor and put a hole in the pimple first. To do this you want to sterilize a small needle and go parallel with your face to put a small hole in the side of the pimple. Then when you squeeze, keep in mind that the point is to get the infection out through the hole. Not by busting it out through the bottom underneath your skin where the bacteria will only spread to produce more pimples later. The best spot treatment for this is at Walmart, and it's the cheap brand! It is simply benzoyl peroxide for about $2.97, and it is usually on the bottom shelf under all the other spot treatments.

Benzoyl peroxide works by penetrating through that pore and oxidizing it (oxidizing- acne bacteria cannot live in the presence of oxygen, so oxygenating the pimple with benzoyl peroxide allows for sterilization of that pore. And that's another reason you need to puncture the pimple first- so the benzoyl peroxide can actually get in there and do its job). Put it on after you pop the pimple and again before you go to bed. You will put on your water-based moisturizer after the spot cream dries. Of course this is all AFTER you have cleansed your skin.

And number three... change your pillowcases every other day! The last thing you want to do is dedicate yourself to this daily regimen only to contradict everything with a pillowcase dirty from the natural oils of your hair and face. And by the way, keep your hands OFF your face! F.y.i, if you pick at something it will keep trying to reheal; therefor, it will take so much longer to go away and it will leave you with a scar! Twenty-one days forms a habit so make this regimen your next habit and take care!

C.M. @ []

Real Deal on Treating a Pimple